
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The National Children's Choir Ireland 2009 Concert. 6 - Five Eyes

Five eyes
Language: English
In Hans' old Mill his three black cats
Watch the bins for the thieving rats.
Whisker and claw, they crouch in the night,
Their five eyes smouldering green and bright:
Squeaks from the flour sacks, squeaks from where
The cold wind stirs on the empty stair,
Squeaking and scampering, everywhere.
Then down they pounce, now in, now out,
At whisking tail, and sniffing snout;
While lean old Hans he snores away
Till peep of light at break of day;
Then up he climbs to his creaking mill,
Out come his cats all grey with meal -
Jeckel, and Jessup, and one-eyed Jill.

bourton_on_the_water Cotswolds England

Bourton on the Water Video Sunday 26 May 2013

Stratford-upon-Avon - Land of Shakespeare

Sunday, October 26, 2014



根據瑞士寶盛銀行(Julius Baer)的2014年生活指數(Lifestyle Index),在亞洲11個城市過奢華生活的成本,以美元計算比去年降低了5.3%,以當地貨幣計算則上揚1.1%。
葡萄酒行情也是如此,在11個城市中,只有雅加達拉菲酒莊(lafite rothschild)2000年份的葡萄酒漲價。大多數中國城市的酒價都下滑,主因是中國政府的禁奢令抑制飲宴的需求。(星洲日報/投資致富‧Smart財富)

Saturday, October 25, 2014

How to Maintain Good Eye Health

Don't take your eyes for granted. Protect your sight with these six tips:

1. Eat for Good Vision

Protecting your eyes starts with the food on your plate. Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E might help ward off age-related vision problems such as macular degeneration and cataracts, studies show. Regularly eating these foods can help lead to good eye health:
  • Green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collards
  • Salmon, tuna, and other oily fish
  • Eggs, nuts, beans, and other non-meat protein sources
  • Oranges and other citrus fruits or juices
Eating a well-balanced diet also helps you maintain a healthy weight, which makes you less likely to get obesity-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults.

2. Quit Smoking

Smoking makes you more likely to get cataracts, optic nerve damage, and macular degeneration. If you've tried to quit smoking before and started smoking again, keep trying. The more times you try to quit smoking, the more likely you are to succeed.  

3. Wear Sunglasses

The right kind of sunglasses will help protect your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays.
Too much UV exposure makes you more likely to get cataracts and macular degeneration.
Choose sunglasses that block 99% to 100% of both UVA and UVB rays. Wraparound lenses help protect your eyes from the side. Polarized lenses reduce glare when driving.
If you wear contact lenses, some offer UV protection. It's still a good idea to wear sunglasses for more protection, though.

4. Use Safety Eyewear

If you work with hazardous or airborne materials on the job or at home, wear safety glasses or protective goggles every time.
Certain sports such as ice hockey, racquetball, and lacrosse can also lead to eye injury. Wear eye protection (such as helmets with protective face masks or sports goggles with polycarbonate lenses) to shield your eyes.

5. Look Away From the Computer Screen

Staring at a computer screen for too long can cause:
  • Eyestrain
  • Blurry vision
  • Trouble focusing at a distance
  • Dry eyes
  • Headaches
  • Neck, back, and shoulder pain
Taking the following steps to protect your eyes:
  • Make sure your glasses or contact lens prescription is up-to-date and adequate for computer use. 
  • Some people may need glasses to help with contrast, glare, and eye strain when using a computer.
  • Position your computer so that your eyes are level with the top of the monitor. This allows you to look slightly down at the screen.
  • Try to avoid glare on your computer from windows and lights. Use an anti-glare screen if needed.
  • Choose a comfortable, supportive chair. Position it so that your feet are flat on the floor.
  • If your eyes are dry, blink more.
  • Every 20 minutes, rest your eyes by looking 20 feet away for 20 seconds. At least every 2 hours, get up and take a 15-minute break.

How to Take Care of Your Eyes

    Diet and regular upkeep are two important factors in taking care of your eyes. Eye exercises can restore your sight. Your eyes are the window to the world. It's important that you take care of them.


  1. Take Care of Your Eyes Step 1.jpg
    Eat lots of fruits and veggies! Carrots, loaded with beta carotene are especially helpful in maintaining healthy eyes. That's because beta carotene is an antioxidant that reduces the risk of macular degeneration.[1]
    • Broccoli, bell peppers, and brussels sprouts are also great for your eyes, containing lots of vitamin C. Okay, they're not the greatest tasting vegetables in the world (or maybe you love them, in which case good for you!) so dip them in hummus or other yummy yogurt spreads to make them palatable.
    • Wild salmon and sardines are also healthy options for your eyes. That's because they contain omega-3 fats, which are the good fats for your body. These omega-3s protect tiny blood vessels in the eyes.
    • Sweet potatoes and spinach round out the healthy options for maintaining good eyes. Both contain beta carotene, and spinach contains lots of vitamin C, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Make the sweet spuds into home-fries with a bit of olive oil, and make spinach into a tasty side or a delectable dip.
  2. Take Care of Your Eyes Step 2.jpg
    Avoid wearing contact lenses for more than 19 hours. This can cause permanent sight damage as well as extreme discomfort to your eyes. Don't wear glasses too long either. Especially 3-D glasses!
    • Never sleep with your contact lenses in unless specifically instructed to do so.[2]Your eyes need regular supplies of oxygen, and lenses block the flow of oxygen to the eyes, especially during sleep. So doctors recommend a normal period of break for your eyes during the night.
    • Avoid wearing your contact lenses when swimming. Your lenses could easily slip off your ideas when they come in contact with the surface area of the water. If you are wearing goggles, your contact lenses may be used while swimming.
  3. Take Care of Your Eyes Step 3.jpg
    Use allergen-reducing eye drops sparingly. Using an allergen-reducing eye drop during allergy season to 'get the red out' and sooth itchiness may help on a limited basis, but chronic daily use can actually make the problem worse.
    • Allergen-reducing eye drops work by constricting the blood flow to the cornea, thereby depriving it of oxygen. So while your eyes don't feel inflamed and itchy anymore, they're actually not getting any oxygen from blood. That's not ideal.
    • Using redness-relieving eye drops chronically will cause more redness in your eyes. Your body gets so accustomed to the chemicals in the eye drops that they no longer work effectively.
    • Read the labels of eye drops carefully; many drops cannot be used while wearing contacts.
  4. Take Care of Your Eyes Step 4.jpg
    Use cucumber on your eyelids. Press cold cucumber slices gently against eyelids 10 minutes before going to sleep at night to prevent puffiness.
    • Cucumbers contain ascorbic acid and caffeic acid, which prevent water retention.[3] These compounds help explain why cucumbers are used throughout the world to treat inflammation and dermatitis.
    • Green tea bag may also help prevent puffiness if applied to the eyes. Soak the tea bag in cold water for a few minutes and place over eyes for 15-20 minutes. The tannins in the tea should help reduce inflammation.
  5. Take Care of Your Eyes Step 5.jpg
    Wear UV protective sunglasses. Get polarized lenses, NOT just darker lenses. The lenses that only make the world darker will just make your pupils dilate and don't do a thing to stop the UV rays.
    • Prolonged exposure to UV rays can harm your eyesight, protection in youth can help prevent loss of eyesight in later years. Exposure to UV rays has been linked to cataracts, macular degeneration, pingueculae and pterygia, harmful conditions for the eyes. [4]
    • Since the damage to eyes from UV rays builds up over a lifetime, it's important to shield children from harmful rays. Make sure your children wear hats and protective glasses when they are out in the sunlight for prolonged periods.
    • Be sure to wear sunglasses even if you're in the shade. Even though shade lessens UV and HEV exposure significantly, you're still exposing your eyes to UV rays reflected off of buildings and other structures.
  6. Take Care of Your Eyes Step 6.jpg
    Try not to spend so much time looking at your computer screen. (As a matter of fact, now would be a good time to give your eyes a break, since you're not doing anything too important.)
    • While science hasn't yet proven that looking at computer screens causes permanent eye damage, it may cause eye strain and dry eyes.[5] The glare from computer screens causes muscle fatigue in the eyes, either from being too bright or too dark.
    • People blink less when they're looking at a screen, causing drier eyes. Make a conscious effort to blink every 30 seconds when you're sitting down and looking at your computer screen to combat dry eyes.
  7. Take Care of Your Eyes Step 7.jpg
    Wear goggles when appropriate. Be sure to wear goggles or other eye protective wear when working with chemicals or any place with harmful airborne particulates.
    • Minimize the transmission of harmful particulate matter into eye region.
  8. Take Care of Your Eyes Step 8.jpg
    Exercise your eyes, and also be sure to relax them.
    • Try focusing your eyes on objects that are near to you, then objects that are far away. Repeat this process multiple times.
    • Sit down, place your elbows on your hips, close your eyes and bring your closed eyes down, resting them on your palms. Keep your palms covering your eyes for 10 seconds. Open your eyes and repeat as necessary.[6]
    • Stretch your arm out and place your thumb in the hitchhiker position. Focus your vision on your thumb while you slowly bring your outstretched arm closer to your body, until your thumb is about five inches from your face. Slowly zoom the thumb back to its original position, focusing on it with your eyes all the while.
  9. Take Care of Your Eyes Step 9.jpg
    Do not read in dim light. Reading in dim light can cause eye strain but will not damage your eyes. If your eyes feel tired, stop for a while and take a break.
  10. Take Care of Your Eyes Step 10.jpg
    Do not look at a bright light directly. Never focus your eyes on the sun directly, as it can damage your eyes.



  • Don't just use eye drops be sure that they are right for you. While eye drops can make your eyes feel better, their medical benefits have not been entirely proven.
  • Visit your optometrist every year. They can diagnose problems that may be fixed with glasses, contacts, or surgery. They will also check for dry eyes, problems with your retina, and even conditions of the whole body like diabetes and high blood pressure. Some conditions have no symptoms like glaucoma which can lead to total blindness if left untreated.
  • Wash your hands before putting contacts in.
  • Try to take a sufficient amount of Vitamin A! Too much can make your eyes red as well.
  • You should eat green vegetables, carrots, etc. So that you will get sufficient amount of vitamin A that prevents night blindness.
  • Instead of using eyeglasses or contact lenses, do some research on How to Know if Lasik Eye Surgery Is for You to correct your vision. There are restrictions on who can or should get this surgery, so make sure you consult a doctor before making your decision.


  • Never rub your eyes too much.
  • Never look into the sun directly or with a telescope.
  • Never put sharp objects in your eyes.
  • When you computer, make sure you keep appropriate distance between your eyes and computer screen.
  • Never put salt in your eyes.


LensCrafters亮視點特別提示: 藍光對眼睛的傷害基本不可逆轉,因此必須重視藍光防護。除了高品質的鏡片產品防護藍光,亮視點分店的專業視光師更可為你提供完善的520專業驗眼服務,確保雙眼的輕微言語都能被仔細傾聽。愛眼睛,就先從防護有害藍光開始吧!


3C產品藍光入侵 年輕人也有白內障










˙ 不會出現明顯的疼痛症狀,但是可以察覺視力正在逐漸減退中。
˙ 容易對光線產生敏感,覺得光線變得非常刺眼。
˙ 配戴眼鏡有困難,常常覺得度數不對而要更換眼鏡。
˙ 出現單眼複視的現象,即是閉起一隻眼睛後,重疊影像仍然存在。
˙ 閱讀時需更強光線,才能看得清楚。
˙ 夜間的視力變差。
˙ 對色彩的敏感度減退。




˙ 長期暴露在紫外線與有害之高能短波藍光下的人。
˙ 長期吸菸的老菸槍。
˙ 飲食中的油脂、酒精等經常攝取過量的人。
˙ 罹患糖尿病的人。
˙ 有青光眼的人。
˙ 眼球有外傷者,不論是穿刺傷或鈍器碰撞傷。
˙ 有些長期全身或局部用藥的人,例如類固醇、縮瞳劑、少數精神科用藥及抗心律不整等藥物。
˙ 虹彩炎或葡萄膜炎經常發作,且長期透過類固醇來治療的人。
˙ 有些新陳代謝問題的人,例如半乳糖血症、低副甲狀腺症低血鈣及風濕性關節炎患者、異位性皮膚炎的患者。


1. 要堅信一個真理:這個世界上只有爸媽永遠對你好。

2. 是的,你已經達到法定婚齡了,可是你並不用著急著嫁人。

3. 轟轟烈烈的愛情,留給一字頭的年齡。

4. 不要因為寂寞而戀愛,不要因為跟風而戀愛。

5. 自己喜歡的東西,不要奢望別人買。

6. 如果一個男人對你說他配不上你,相信他。

7. 明確自己的目標,為此奮鬥。

8. 答應自己的事情就要做到,該對自己狠的時候就要狠,切忌優柔寡斷、藕斷絲連。

9. 女孩子,要學會對自己好一點,別把所有的都投資在所謂的“潛力股”身上。

10. 做人學會圓滑。

11. 感謝所有傷害過你的人。

12. 別玩什麼非主流。你不是90後。

13. 減肥,說說就好。

14. 對挑撥離間的人,不要揭發他。

15. 誰對你好,你就對誰好。人際交往永遠是禮尚往來的、雙向法則,沒有人有義務對你好。

16. 轉身,要比眼淚快。這是必須。

17. 你以前或許幹過許多荒唐的事。

18. 隨時給自己準備一個微笑告訴自己我可以!


  1. 1.學會做幾個拿手好菜,不一定是給愛人做,也可能在休閒的時候犒勞自己或者慰勞下辛苦多年的父母。
  2. 2. 越是得不到的感情,越不要極盡全力的強求;越是離得很遠的理想,越需要曠日持久的堅持。
  3. 3.不要在情緒不好的時候做壞的決定,越是負面情緒佔據主導的時候,越要少折騰神經。
  4. 4.一天不能8小時以上時間去想同一個人,超過12點,再大的事也要為睡覺讓路。
  5. 5.當感覺自己語塞的時候,就不要亂說話,要知道,沉默,也有無限種含義。
  6. 6.心情不好或者空虛寂寞的時候,千萬不要找異性去說,那樣只會讓你更危險,找不到好姐們,也還有自己的父母。
  7. 7.不要怕犯傻和犯錯,怕的是你第二次還犯同樣的傻和同樣的錯
  8. 8.工作是你的權利而不是義務,你可以少工作或者多工作,但是千萬不要不工作。
  9. 9.健康比三圍重要,智慧比財富值錢,這兩樣東西,爭取都不要少。
  10. 10.能得到別人稱讚不一定是好事,因為那同樣會讓你驕傲。
  11. 11.不要總是羨慕別人的幸福,因為那也可能是別人辛苦得來的。
  12. 12.衣服不要盡可能的多,夠穿就行,男人不要盡可能的富有,夠體貼你就成。