1. 断瘾难受。戒酒或者戒毒的人会出现头痛或颤抖的症状。戒
2. 依赖加重。正如瘾君子需要吸入越来越多的毒品,才能获得
3. 失去兴趣。如果孩子以前爱踢足球、和小伙伴们一起玩耍,
4. 缺乏自制。上瘾的一个典型表现是缺乏自制力。虽说一个4
5. 欺瞒。你可曾发现孩子偷偷把iPad藏起来,趁大人不注
6. 寄托。瘾君子可能会通过对一种事物或行为的沉迷来逃避负
7. 影响学习和生活。人际关系不佳、学习成绩不好、工作表现
From physical withdrawal symptoms to losing touch with the outside world, here are seven signs your child may be hooked on the iPad
1. Withdrawal
Withdrawal from heroin or alcohol causes headaches and the shakes, but device addiction has physical withdrawal symptoms as well. In a 2011 study, researchers asked 1,000 college students around the world to go 24 hours without using their smartphones, other mobile devices or the Internet. Many reported symptoms such as anxiety and depression, and one anonymous student even said he or she was "itching like a crackhead" from the longing to use a phone.
If your child is irritable, anxious or sad after having the iPad is taken away, he or she may have an unhealthy attachment to the device.
2. Tolerance
Just as heroin addicts need bigger and bigger hits to get the same effect, iPad users can also develop a tolerance.
"Kids might have enjoyed it for 10 minutes, now they need it for an hour or two hours or three," Amitay said.
If playing 20 minutes of Math Ninja or Subway Surfer is no longer enough to make a kid happy, that may also be a sign of addiction.
3. Loss of interest
If children who once loved playing soccer, picking on their kid brother, or climbing trees have lost interest in all those activities in favor of hours of "Air Hockey Gold," it may signal a problem. (An occasional preference for the iPad over other activities isn't a problem; the screen craving has to be crowding out everything else to a significant degree.)
4. Lack of control
Addicts typically have an inability to control their usage. And though 4-year-olds are not known for their self-control, children may have a problem if parents have a really hard time taking the tablet away from their child without a huge meltdown.
On the other hand, parents of young children should be able to set limits, and a young child throwing a temper tantrum is not a sign of addiction on its own, Amitay said.
5. Deception
Have you caught Henry hiding underneath the kitchen table hunched over a lit-up screen, playing his favorite game? Yes, another red flag of addiction is children lying about iPad use, sneaking the iPad into their bedroom or other hideout, or otherwise deceiving family members to get more screen time.
6. Trouble dealing
Addicts often use a substance or an activity as a way of escaping from a negative mood or feeling.
"Whether it's sex, drugs or gambling, it's about other feelings that they can't control," Amitay said.
Kids who are using the iPad to avoid dealing with sad, stressful, or negative emotions could have a problem. For instance, if your kid always grabs the iPad after a fight with a sibling or a parent, he may be coping with his negative emotions using the iPad.
7. Losing opportunities
Losing significant relationships, failing in school, or performing poorly at work are all signs of addiction. Though young children have probably not lost their shot at the corner office as a result of too much Candy Crush Saga, they may be losing friends or their grades may be slipping.
"The idea is that the child is detaching from the world around them," Amitay said.
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