Friday, November 29, 2013
法律角度看回教国课题(二) 历史事实证明我国乃世俗国
法律角度看回教国课题(一)- 馬來西亞是不是回教国?
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法律顾问: 杨培根律师整理 30-7-2011
不久前, 我国有3 个宪法问题, 经过有心人精心策划和炒作, 闹得沸沸扬扬的。 这3 个宪法问题就是: 回教地位、首相人选、和扶弱政策的问题。 其实, 如果认真和客观地从宪法角度來看, 这些问题, 根本就是不成问题的问题。 正确的答案, 就在《联邦宪法》的相关条文中。
显然, 那些强词夺理的极端种族主义者并未花点时间, 去阅读和研究我国宪法的相关条文, 而有意无意地信口雌黄, 闭门造车, 目的是为了把社会搞得天翻地覆, 以遂其政治目的或隐议程。
我国知名宪法专家, 法鲁奇 [Shad Faruqi] 教授, 于今年6月初, 在英文《星报》撰写了一篇文章。 他从宪法角度, 精辟地论述了这3 个问题, 把这些问题交代得清清楚楚。 他指出, 这些所谓问题, 根本就不是问题。 为了方便读者了解这些关系到我们日常生活的宪法问题, 现把这篇文章的主要內容, 用淺显易懂文字整理出來, 供大家参考。
我国宪法的基本原则: 在法律面前, 人人平等
我国宪法的基本原则是: 在法律面前, 人人平等; 人人受到法律的平等保护。 宪法的主要精神是包容性和容忍性。
法鲁奇教授说, 上个星期, 在非洲苏丹国首都喀土穆(Khartoum )市, 举办了一个讨论草擬宪法的大会。大会特別强调, 虽然回教徒在马來西亚全国人口中占多数, 但是, 回教体系和民主制度共同存在, 各民族和谐共處。
不过, 針对过去10年间, 我国所发生的种族磨擦和宗教纠纷, 各国外交官提出了评论。 尤其是对最近所引起的三项争论, 那就是:
1。 是否存在把马來西亚变成基督国的阴谋;
2。在我国宪法下, 非马來人是否可担任首相一职;
3。 政府奖學金是否只保留给马來人而已, 非马來人不得问津。
法鲁其教授认为, 其实, 这3 个问题, 挑起论争是完全沒有必要的。他一針见血地指出, 这些问题会引起无谓的纷争 , 完全是因为一些政客在炒作。 理由很简单: 这些政客奢望, 通过播下种族不和的种子, 激化种族磨擦和宗教两极化, 在政治上, 争取他们所需要的支持。
1. 首相人选的问题
委任首相的权力掌握在国家元首的手中。 在行使这项权力时, 国家元首必须考虑到下列几点:
(1) 首相必须是我国公民。
(2) 他必须具有成为国会议员的资格; 他必须滿21岁。
(3) 他必须是下议院 (国会) 的代议士。
(4) 国家元首有权判断, 被委任为首相者必须能到多数国议员的信任。
如果有政党(或阵线)贏得多数国议席, 那么, 国家元首就不需要作出任何判断; 元首成了象征性的立宪君主。 他必须委任获得多数国议席的政党 (或阵线) 领导人为首相。 但是, 在特殊情況下 (如: 在国会中, 沒有任何政党占主导地位, 或者, 沒有一个政党取得多数议席), 国家元首將起关健性的作用; 他必须作出判断: 谁能担任首相?
值得注意的是, 纯粹从法律角度來看,首相人选可以來自任何种族, 不一定是來自马來族。 这点, 和各州苏丹不同; 各州苏丹必须是马來人。 这是因为, 宪法并沒有明文规定, 首相必须來自哪一个种族或民族。 同样地, 首相人选也不能以性別 、宗教、区域、或政党背景, 作为选择的标准。
同样地, 宪法并沒明文规定, 首相必须属于任何政党, 或者他必须是最大政党的领袖。 关鍵的是, 根据国家元首的判断, 他是否能得到国会 (下议院) 多数议员的信任。
从法律角度來看, 在不久的將來,可能发生这样的事: 我国国会或许会出现一个预想不到的局面。 那就是, 沒有一个政党能取得多数议席。 并且, 由于政客不择手段的政治炒作, 任何人 (非马來人, 妇女, 或者东马人) 都可能被推举为首相。
不可忽视的是, 沙巴和砂劳越两州控制了国会议席总数222席中的56 席。 这一批占全国议席25%强的国议员, 随时可以左右或影响国会內的势力均衡。
2. 回教地位
最近, 有人毫无根据地胡乱指责某些政治人物和牧师, 说他们在串谋, 想把马來西亚变成一个基督国家。只要查一查关于修正宪法的程序 (159条), 就能明白, 我国 《宪法》已明文规定:回教是我国联合邦的宗教[第3(1)条]。
(1) 必须得到国会上下两院总议员人数的2/3 多数票, 并在国会第二, 第三读通过;
(2) 必须征得统治者会议的同意; 和
(3) 必须征得国家元首的同意。
显然, 国家元首和9 个马來统治者, 有权否決可能影响回教地位的任何立法; 他们可以不接受这类立法。 根据《联邦宪法》, 由于上述繁杂的修宪程序, 在我国的法律和政治体系中, 回教的地位已固若金汤, 不容易动搖。
在宪法中, 至少有30项条文提及回教、回教法庭、回教司等。 条文规定, 回教是联邦的宗教 [第3(1)条]。 州法律也限制, 不得向回教徒传扬其他宗教[第11(4)条]。 实际上, 这类条文禁止非回教徒, 向回教徒弘扬其他信仰。
“马來人” 一词的定义, 和回教息息相关, 即: 马來人必须是回教徒。 回教徒必须接受回教教育。 为回教徒提供回教教育, 是合法的。除了砂劳越以外, 各州都以回教作为州的宗教, 每州都设有回教事务理事会。 法律也规定, 可设立回教法庭。 不仅仅有法律条文规定, 回教是 “联邦的宗教”, 我国更设立了各种回教经济机构, 如: 回教銀行、朝圣基金、回教大學等。 这些机构都是在联邦政府大力支持下设立的。
自80年代开始, 回教文化和宗教习惯已成了主流意识。 电视台播放回教节目, 每星期至少15个小时。 所有的官方场合都采用回教仪式。
因此, 有人危言耸听地警告说, 人口占少数的基督教徒, 其中有一小撮人, 想廢除回教所享有的崇高地位, 意图改变现狀。 他们也沒得到任何政治势力的大力支持。 这就等于说, 他们正采取激进行动, 要廢除 <联邦宪法> 中的30 项关于维护回教的条文, 以及各州宪法內的类似条文。 这种无中生有的指责, 确实会令人笑脫门牙。
3. 扶弱政策
某些种族极端分子提议: 政府奬學金, 不应颁发给非马來人。 他们所提出毫无根据的所谓理由是, 宪法第153 条明文规定, 扶弱政策只局限在马來人和沙砂两州土著。 这样的诡辩难以令心折服, 一点也不新奇。 那是因为在全世界都存在极端主义, 种族主义, 和种族仇视; 大家见怪不怪了。
其实, 任何人只要对人权, 法治和宪法有起码的尊重和认识, 就不会矢口否认, 我国宪法的基本原则是: 在法律面前, 人人平等; 同时, 人人也获得法律的平等保护。
在诠译宪法第153条的特殊规定时, 值得注意的是, 根据一般的理解, 固打制、比例制, 从來就不是完全归于某一族群, 也不是由某单一族群所垄断的, 而令其他群族完全不能享有。
第153条文的扶弱政策, 并不完全实施于所有领域, 而只涉及四个领域 [见第153(2)条], 即: 提供一定比例的奬學金, 教育和培训权利和特殊利便; 准证和执照; 高等教育學府的學额给土著。 要注意的是, 国家元首必须保障其他族群的合法权益 [第153(1)条]。
令人遗憾的是, 原本只是一种扶弱政策, 现在却增添了种族主义、仇视其他族群的色彩。 如果仔细研究一下我国宪法起草时, 作为背景的文件, 不难看出, 宪法精神是: 对各民族都有包容性, 富有寛容和忍让精神。 “马來特殊地位” 是以其他族群的利益互相平衡的。 这点有助于促进我国各族群文化和宗教的和谐, 并且, 可为其他国家起模范作用。
遗憾的是, 目前, 反动势力从中作梗, 正向54年前(1957年)建立起來的良好基础, 提出挑战。 具有正确思想的马來西亚公民, 都应该团结起來, 继续沿着1957年宪法所擬定的中庸道路, 阔步向前。
[取材自: 法鲁奇法學教授在英文 <星报> 上撰写的一篇文章 Spirit of Moderation Animated 一文, 见2011-6-1《星报》, 页32。 法鲁奇法學教授(Prof。 Shad Saleem Faruqi) 现为玛拉工艺大学法学教授。 他曾经是我国回教大學兼我国科技大學法學教授。 他是我国的一名宪法专家。 一般人称呼他为沙。 法鲁奇(Shad Faruqi)。 所以我认为, 把他的名字译为 ‘法鲁奇’ 较为贴切。 电子邮报<今日大马>把他的名字译为’萨沙林’, 这很难让人联想到所指的就是 Shaq Faruqi。]
Thursday, November 28, 2013
King Edward VII School : 2012 vs 2013

I was here in Nov 2012 for STPM exam invigilation.

I am here today for official duty. (28 Nov 2013)
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Sleep Well and Stay Healthy
- Sle
Researchers at the University of Warwick linked a lack of sleep to a range of disorders which often result in early death
Chronic sleep shortage is linked to increased risk of heart disease.
Prolonged sleep deprivation increases the risk of suffering from a stroke or heart disease, according to a major long-term study based on the experiences of hundreds of thousands of people across eight countries.
The trend for late nights and early mornings was described as "a ticking time bomb" by the researchers at the University of Warwick who linked a lack of sleep to a range of disorders which often result in early death.
Chronic short sleep produce hormones and chemicals in the body, which increases the risk of developing heart disease, strokes and other conditions such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes and obesity, according to Dr Michelle Miller of the University of Warwick.
She and Professor Francesco Cappuccio, who co-authored a report published in the European Heart Journal, followed up evidence spanning seven to 25 years from more than 470,000 participants across eight countries, including Japan, the US, Sweden and the UK.
Professor Francesco Cappuccio said: "If you sleep less than six hours per night and have disturbed sleep you stand a 48% greater chance of developing or dying from heart disease and a 15% greater chance of developing or dying from a stroke. The trend for late nights and early mornings is actually a ticking time bomb for our health so you need to act now to reduce your risk of developing these life-threatening conditions."
Professor Cappuccio added: "There is an expectation in today's society to fit more into our lives. The whole work/life balance struggle is causing too many of us to trade in precious sleeping time to ensure we complete all the jobs we believe are expected of us."
"But in doing so, we are significantly increasing the risk of suffering a stroke or developing cardiovascular disease resulting in, for example, heart attacks."
He also warned of the implications of sleeping too much, more than nine hours at a stretch, which may be an indicator of illness, such as cardiovascular disease.
He said: "By ensuring you have about seven hours' sleep a night, you are protecting your future health, and reducing the risk of developing chronic illnesses. The link is clear from our research: get the sleep you need to stay healthy and live longer."
Ellen Mason, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: "We know sleep is essential for staying healthy and this research adds further evidence about the possible consequences for our health if we don't get enough.
"Although there appears to be an association between heart and circulatory disease and lack of sleep, it is not yet fully understood. There seem to be some hormonal and chemical changes in the body when lack of sleep occurs, so over a period of time these may have some impact on the heart and circulatory system."
"There are plenty of reasons why sleep deprivation is a problem. Easy internet access, a growing number of TV channels, financial worries and longer working hours all distract us from going to bed. But it's important more of us make sleep a priority and get our restorative six-eight hours a night."
More on sleep
Professor Russell Foster: Our 24/7 society has invaded the night, replacing a biological order honed by millions of years of evolution with an illusion
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Positive Affirmations Vs Subliminal Messages

Your mind is a very powerful thing and it’s your thoughts that control how you act and how you go through life.
If you have the ability to change your thoughts then you have the ability to change yourself on a core level and drastically improve the quality of life.
When it comes to changing the way you think there happens to be a number of different methods but the two we are going to look into today, in this “rap battle” extraordinaire our very own positive affirmations Vs subliminal messages.
Positive Affirmations:
Positive Affirmations are short positive statements that you repeat over and over. The reason you repeat them over and over is because one of the ways to access your subconscious mind, which is the part of your mind that controls your beliefs, is through constant repetition.
So, at first you really wont believe the affirmations that you are saying but overtime they will eventually sink in and you will start to notice that the way you think has started to change and of course you are now behaving differently.
It’s always easier to understand something with examples, so here are some affirmations for someone who is looking to become happy:
I am happy
I think only positive thoughts
I am 100% happy with who I am
I am able to see the good in every situation
Someone who isn’t very happy would take those affirmations and what they would do is they would repeat them each day. Not just once but they would repeat them at least twice each day and they would say them in a confident manner with 100% belief behind them as confidence and belief is needed to make them work.
Of course they wouldn’t start to feel happy after one day of using them, instead it will take a while to work but overtime they will sink into the subconscious mind and that person will find themselves much more happier.
Subliminal Messages:
To understand subliminal messages you need to know that you have two different types of perception – conscious and subconscious.
For ease now we are going to refer to subliminal messages as in their audio form.. as this is actually the point of this article.
With conscious perception you are actually aware of the message. For example when you repeat a positive affirmation you are of course aware that you’re being exposed to it and say when you’re listening to a song, you hear the song lyrics and you know that you’ve heard them.
Subconscious perception on the other hand picks up on things but you aren’t aware that you have picked up on them and it’s the subconscious perception that picks up on subliminal messages, which are messages that have been put together to avoid conscious perception.
In audio form, all subliminal messages are, are simply positive affirmations, initially read aloud, but then moved to a higher sound frequency – i.e. they are made subliminal.
Subliminal messages are just positive affirmations!
The main benefit with subliminal messages is that they are a more passive experience. You can play them while you wash the dishes, clean the house, do your homework, write that report, hit the treadmill. The hard work has been done for you, the affirmations are recorded and non-intrusive.
Which Is Better?
Right now you might be wondering if you should use subliminal messages or positive affirmations.
Well, some will tell you that positive affirmations are the way to go and you should stay away from subliminal audio while others say the opposite and say only use subliminal audio to change your thoughts and don’t waste your time on affirmations.
The thing these people don’t understand though is that both positive affirmations and subliminal messages work and it is a personal choice, not a solid given that one is better than the other.
Whether you decide to use positive affirmations or subliminal audio to change your thoughts you will get results, it just depends on how your mind interprets the info, and usually a little experimentation is required to actually just see which one is best for you personally, which one resonates with you, suits your lifestyle, and brings results.
Often, it might be both. The best thing to do then is to use a mixture of both positive affirmations and subliminal programming ^^
Pure Honey?

Although honey has many of the important benefits noted above,
it still contains a lot of fructose,
so you need to use it cautiously.
It would be best to limit your use of even raw honey to...
less than one TEASPOON per day.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

(取自網絡:Mask Man - 馬來西亞的真相)

以上这番话,是由英国背包客戴夫拉姆西Dave Ramsey在国际旅游网站上发表。
"KL Is THE Most Dangerous Place I Have Travelled To"
It's a frightening wake up call when a backpacker who has been travelling for nearly 30 years to places like Africa, Yemen and South East Asia says Kuala Lumpur is THE most dangerous place he has been to.
UK backpacker Dave Ramsey was stabbed and mugged in Jalan Sultan Ismail, KL on 5 October 2013
As the crime rate in Malaysia rises, the public is feeling less secure walking down the streets these days. Even tourists have not been spared as more fall victims to muggings and snatch thefts.
One such incident left a backpacker, Dave Ramsay from Ayr, United Kingdom angry and annoyed as he was stabbed and mugged in the KL city center near Hard Rock Cafe on Oct 5.
In relating his horrifying experience on the VirtualTourist website (www.virtualtourist.com), Dave said that he was not only mugged but also stabbed in the chest in the incident. His ordeal is also being shared on Facebook.
The mode of this mugging was to pull on a bag and when I turned round I was stabbed in the chest with a knife, while turning. This is a stab first rob later mode of attack.
My friend held onto her bag and I started to assist only to be slashed with the knife across my right arm - that was when I saw blood spraying out my chest I told her to let the bag go as her head/neck was closest to the knife.
The robber fled with the bag. I think we were marked and then surrounded as some of the "local concerned helpers" were actually trying to pull me clear.
It took 30 mins to get to a hospital (City Hospital - very happy with the medics there top job). I was lucky to be able to stand in the road to stop a taxi.
Several (taxis) passed after seeing blood - and eventually after being rejected at a private hospital I got medical attention.
Dave said he was lucky to have survived the trauma for his build. According to him, had it happened to a slimmer person, it could have been fatal.
No police anywhere in an iffy area (I think they get a cut to stay away), security at the local venues did nothing.... Very hard to get support people in street or taxis.
The tourist police did not ask ANYTHING about the perpetrator of this crime - all they did was produce a report for an insurance claim.... They have no intention of pursuing criminals, no interest.
An NYC man came in 10 minutes later having had his gold chain snatched from his neck - he said he lived in NYC 32 years and this was his first every mugging.
I genuinely feel the police in KL are worse than the criminals because they are ineffective, not present and most likely getting a cut. The politicians are the police masters I wonder how they make so much money.
Malaysia truly Asia (my arse this is a pit of crime) KL= Killed by Locals.
This place needs avoiding big time. I have travelled Africa, Yemen, SE Asia for nearly 30 years back packer and 5 star.
I am not a squeemish person but I genuinely believe this to be THE most dangerous place I have been due to the vast number of incidents and the frequency of them.... its epidemic.
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