Popular writer Kee Thuan Chye is upset that that his book launch by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng at the Penang Club had been cancelled at the eleventh hour because it does not want to be seen as "politically aligned".
The same fate befell a forum entitled 'After GE13, Where to, Malaysia' planned after the launch, featuring DAP leaders Liew Chin Tong and Zairil Khir Johari, social activist Anil Netto, academician Mustafa K Annuar, and Bersih committee member Toh Kin Woon.
"They said they did not want to be seen to be politically aligned. I refused to stand for this," Kee said in a statement in hisFacebook when explaining why the launch of his latest book 'Ask for No Bullshit, Get Some More!' wasbanned on Feb 28.
The same fate befell a forum entitled 'After GE13, Where to, Malaysia' planned after the launch, featuring DAP leaders Liew Chin Tong and Zairil Khir Johari, social activist Anil Netto, academician Mustafa K Annuar, and Bersih committee member Toh Kin Woon.
"(Lim) is the Chief Minister of Penang. And an honorary member of the club, to boot! What political alignment?" queried the outspoken writer.
Kee said the club knew from the start that he had invited Lim to do the honours but had said nothing, then called off the event scheduled for Feb 28.
He was told that a few members had complained that the forum's line-up had not included anyone from the Barisan Nasional.
"I told them we had approached BN politicians but they had turned us down. We had tried," said Kee, author of the bestselling book"‘No More Bullshit, Please, We're All Malaysians'"
Kee said the club knew from the start that he had invited Lim to do the honours but had said nothing, then called off the event scheduled for Feb 28.
He was told that a few members had complained that the forum's line-up had not included anyone from the Barisan Nasional.
"I told them we had approached BN politicians but they had turned us down. We had tried," said Kee, author of the bestselling book"‘No More Bullshit, Please, We're All Malaysians'"
Complains from ‘few members'
He was foxed that the club was more concerned with the "few" complaints than the others - around 60 - who had signed up for the launch-cum-forum.
The club had printed the posters advertising the forum and its speakers a month ago which meant that they had already endorsed the line-up.
Kee, who in 2010 was also voted the 34th "Most Trusted Malaysian" in a poll conducted by Reader's Digest, said he had to compromise and waive his professional fee to allow the book launch to be held together with a forum for members-only, with no media coverage.
"Now, if no media was going to be allowed, why should the Penang Club be worried about Guan Eng (left) launching the book?" asked the former journalist.
"It wasn't going to be publicly reported, anyway. I ,therefore, saw no reason for their telling me not to have him launch my book.
He was foxed that the club was more concerned with the "few" complaints than the others - around 60 - who had signed up for the launch-cum-forum.
The club had printed the posters advertising the forum and its speakers a month ago which meant that they had already endorsed the line-up.
Kee, who in 2010 was also voted the 34th "Most Trusted Malaysian" in a poll conducted by Reader's Digest, said he had to compromise and waive his professional fee to allow the book launch to be held together with a forum for members-only, with no media coverage.
"It wasn't going to be publicly reported, anyway. I ,therefore, saw no reason for their telling me not to have him launch my book.
So I refused to entertain their condition," he said.
" I'm also exceedingly puzzled that the club would not allow the chief minister officiate at an event it was hosting," he added.
"As far as I'm concerned, the Penang Club Committee did not keep its end of the bargain.
" I'm also exceedingly puzzled that the club would not allow the chief minister officiate at an event it was hosting," he added.
"As far as I'm concerned, the Penang Club Committee did not keep its end of the bargain.
"The fact that the entire episode should end like this is nothing less than shocking," he stressed.
Nothing to with CM
It is learnt that some members had pressured the club's committee who did not want to see the low profile event held at the premises, citing its responsibilities to remain free of partisan politics as it was registered with the Registrar of Societies.
When contacted, Penang Club president Yeap Soon Rhee said the last minute cancellation of the event is much regretted.
"The president and the committee members extend their 'wholehearted apologies' to Lim for any misunderstanding caused by the said cancellation," said Yeap.
"The cancellation has no bearing whatsoever with the proposed attendance by Lim, our honorary member who has in fact spoken at our invitation at the inaugural lecture of the Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Lecture series," he added.
"Our apologies also go to Kee and his panel of speakers for all the inconvenience caused".
"This reminds me of an incident which happened before independence when the sultan of Selangor was invited to attend an event at the Lake Club in Tasik Perdana," said Lim's political secretary.
"Even though he was the Selangor sultan, they did not allow him to enter because cause the club was only open for 'whites' and not for people of other skin colour," he added.
"This time around, there is no more such racial issues but how can a chief minister elected by the people be stopped from entering the club?" queried Zairil, who is also DAP national assistant publicity secretary.
"It does not make sense at all that a CM and honorary member could not attend the event".
He urged the club to provide a written explanation of their decision, and left it to Lim whether he planned to boycott future events at the premises.
2013-03-02 19:59
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