MEAT SLURRY ANYONE? Want to know what goes into hot dogs? Then visit a frankfurter factory. Itâ's an unpleasant business. In vast metal vats, tons of pork trimmings are mixed with the pink slurry formed when chicken carcasses are squeezed through metal grates and blasted with water. The mush is mixed with powdered preservatives, flavourings, red colouring and drenched in water before being squeezed into plastic tubes to be cooked and packaged. It is a disgusting process, for the hot dog is arguably the ultimate in processed, industrial food. No wonder the University of California Medical School has determined that eating 12 hot dogs or per month will increase your risk of developing Leukemia by 900%. with Tony Rasgado,Estrella Cortez, Elvia Cortez and Tony Rasgado.
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